Let's say welcome to Hojun!
Write a sign that says, "Hello Hojun!" or "Hi Hojun!" or "Welcome Hojun!"
Take a picture of you with the sign outside for Wilderness Wednesday.
If you are willing and able, take a video saying hello in Korean, which is "Yeoboseyo." (Yeeow-boo-say-ah).
Language Arts
Printing the letter Zz
- everyone do their age plus 4
- print the uppercase Z
- print the lowercase Z
- write x-words like: zip, zap, zoo, zoom, Hazel
Daily Physical Activity
Mr. Neufeld's 5-alive Workout (plyometrics)
- 5 hops forwards and back
- 5 hops side to side
- 5 hops in a square
- 5 180 hops
- 5 one-legged hops
- 5 ballistic push-ups
- Read your Itsy-Bitsy Money Book (should be in your bookbox)
- Draw a big picture of a quarter.
- Be sure to copy the words on the quarter (Canada, 25 cents, the date)
- Label it: quarter.
Wilderness Wednesday
Find parts of plants in your house.
Look for seeds, stems, leaves, flowers or fruits in your house.
- for example: sunflower seeds, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, strawberries
Create a sign to label which part of the plant it is and take a picture.
Send picture to Mr. Neufeld
Be sure to check out what your classmates found in their homes. I am sure it will be interesting.