Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Revenge of May the 5th

Cinco de Mayo

For kids: https://youtu.be/A8Jj_KhAiGU



Observe, report and predict the weather today.

Language Arts

We have finished the alphabet. Lets do a review / test of what we remember.

  • have someone randomly say letters of the alphabet
    • see if you can write the uppercase and lowercase for each
    • if you have any corrections, write the letter 5 times
    • for each correction do 5 jumping jacks
    • bonus challenge: say each letter sound
If you need review: https://youtu.be/xFDD2Sm1Ru4

Read for 10 minutes

  • Book Box
  • Reading A-Z
  • Read Yes and No lesson and read the book

Daily Physical Activity

The Number Workout - count backwards

  1. do one burpee
  2. do two arm circles
  3. do three jumping jacks
  4. do four squats
  5. do five crunches
  6. do six elbows to opposite knees
  7. do seven superman jumps
  8. do eight one legged hops forward and back
  9. do nine calf raises
  10. do ten push ups


It is May 5th so lets count by 5s:  https://youtu.be/amxVL9KUmq8

Adding stories continued

  • Tell a story that has numbers in it. 
    • For example: two cows are playing in the park. One more cow comes to play with them. How many cows are now playing at the park together?
    • Try to use words like "add" "plus" "how many in all" "how many all together"
  • Take a picture of your story and send to Mr. Neufeld

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