Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Writing our names... with different body parts.

Day plan for Wednesday, June 24


Report the Weather

What is a Tornado?

Language Arts

How well can you write your name?

This year we got really good at writing our names. But can you write your name with:

  • your OTHER hand?
  • your toes?
  • your mouth?
  • another part of your body? (tell us your idea)
  • Take a picture of your names and send to Mr. Neufeld.

Daily Physical Activity

180 hops

Mr. Neufeld's 5-alive Workout (plyometrics)

  • 5 hops forwards and back
  • 5 hops side to side
  • 5 hops in a square
  • 5 180 hops
  • 5 one-legged hops
  • 5 ballistic push-ups


  • Memory (or Concentration)
    • Play a Memory Game.

Practise counting to 100
The Big Number song:

Wilderness Wednesday

Remember what we did?

  • Do you remember all the activities we did outside, with no special equipment, no electricity, and no cost? 
  • For example: 
    • the games we played (Cougar in the cupboard, Eagle Eye)
    • the art we created with found items
    • the patterns we created with found items
    • the scavenger hunts we did (looking for all the colours of the rainbow, looking for diversity, looking for signs of animals, looking for decomposers...)
    • the things we built (Fort K, the Pleeting Mace...)
    • the sticks that were not sticks (my stick was a fishing rod, Alek's stick was a guitar...)
    • the rocks that became our solid friends
    • the Wombat Stew we created
    • the safety tips we discussed (if you get lost, meet a bear..)
  • Pick your top 3 and teach them to someone you know.
  • Most important: remember how good we always felt when we were in the forest. How satisfying it was to just go for a walk in the trees and talk about what we found. At the end of our little adventures I would ask, "How do you feel?" and the answer was usually, "I feel great!"
  • This summer, this list may be useful.

Have a safe and healthy summer! We will see you around the village! Or we will see you in September! I really enjoyed being your Kindergarten teacher. I look forward to buddy reading with you in grade 1.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Everyday is an outside day.

Today we reviewed all the things we could do outside with a little imagination. 

The Summer Break review book.

This little book is a quick little review of what we learned this year. It is great for checking what you know and what you may want to review some more before September. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

June Me

Watch out for this coming home this week. It is to go into the Year of Writing green duotang. This week we will also draw ourselves on The Last Day of Kindergarten. This will complete our Year of Writing book. Be sure to have your child share it with you. This is a collection of what they would like to remember each month.

Day plan for Tuesday, June 23

Morning Work: draw a picture of yourself on the last week of Kindergarten. Underneath write your full name in your best printing. Put this into your Year of Writing green duo-tang.



Observe, report and predict the weather today.

Language Arts

  • Word Work "best" 
  • Read out the list of words from last week's practice and have your child try to spell the word from memory. 
      • Again, this is not to scare anyone, only a practice to experience what a test feels like, to practice using our memory, to see what we know, and what we might want to work on.
  • When you are done, see how well you did and make corrections where needed.
  • Take a picture of your results and send them to Mr. Neufeld.

Read for 10 minutes

  • Book Box
  • Poetry duo-tang
  • Reading A-Z

Daily Physical Activity

The Number Workout - count backwards

Arm circles.
  1. one burpee
  2. two arm circles
  3. three jumping jacks
  4. four squats
  5. five crunches
  6. six elbows to opposite knees
  7. seven superman jumps
  8. eight one legged hops forward and back
  9. nine calf raises
  10. ten push ups



  • Practice counting out loud as high as you can. 
    • Can you count to 100?
  • Practice counting by 5s and 10s to 100.
  • Can you count 10 objects correctly? 
    • Make sure you only count each object once.
  • On a piece of paper: Practice printing the numbers you know. 
    • Can you print the numbers to 30?
  • Practice reading numbers. 
    • Can you say the name of all the numbers up to 20?
  • Practice naming all the basic 2D shapes. 
    • Do you remember the 3D shapes we learned this term?