Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Day plan for Tuesday, June 2



Observe, report and predict the weather today.

Language Arts

Writing and printing the digraph wh

  • if you have your package: complete the Let's learn the digraph Wh sheet
  • if you do not have the package: practice printing words that start with wh
    • words like: what, when, why, where, whale, whip, which
  • write a sentence with one of these words and then draw a picture to match your sentence.
    • Here is are some sample sentences: 
      • My whale is white.
      • Why is the wheel flat?
      • Where is the whip?
  • take a picture and email to Mr. Neufeld.

Read for 10 minutes

  • Book Box
  • Reading A-Z - find the digraph WH book (also in packages, along with books on TH, SH and CH)

Read aloud: 
The Snail and the Whalehttps://youtu.be/3ZAtKDaFU6c

Daily Physical Activity

The Number Workout - count forwards

5 crunches
  1. one burpee
  2. two arm circles
  3. three jumping jacks
  4. four squats
  5. five crunches
  6. six elbows to opposite knees
  7. seven superman jumps
  8. eight one legged hops forward and back
  9. nine calf raises
  10. ten push ups


Making a story about take away.

  • Just like we did for addition, let's create a math story involving subtraction
  • be sure to use the words: subtract, take away, minus, less, left.
  • For example: My new dog Ripley had 5 new stuffies. She destroyed 2 of them. How many stuffies are left?

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